Hello and thank you for visiting my personal blog.
In few words passion for technology. If you look at my resume you will notice a certain alignement between my education and professional life. I spent several years writing software, designing and integrating systems, managing projects and teams of engineers. The only missing piece in the puzzle was trying to put all my technical background and passion togheter to build some end to end DYI projects spanning from hardware design to software development. So, after the work, the family, playing tennis and traveling, I still can find few free CPU cycles to dedicate to my hi-tech hobbies. I started playing with open hardware platforms (like Arduino) in the beginning and I ended up with my first complete project, an IoT device to manage the water heating system of my house. Here I did the design of the integrated circuit, the PCB controller board layout (thanks to Kicad), the component assembly and soldering, the firmware development using C/C++ (thanks to PlatformIO), and finally the full hardware setup, including electrical cabling and plumbing of automation valves into the hydraulic circuit. I also programmed the web APIs and interface (using php and MySQL) to monitor the device remotely and collect historical data about its status for later analysis.
Last but not least, I spent some time to develop tools to help people who is affected by learning disability. These tools are usually available only to professionals and can’t be used for free by privates. So, I decided to build my own version of the tools and make them available free of charge on my site. Tachistoscope was the first one and I also developed I nice variant for text reading.
You can find all of these in my articles, don’t esitate to contact for any information or curiosity. Enjoy!
Linkedin: here
E-mail: mmorlupi@gmail.com